OSTAR 2022 (Original Singlehanded Transatlantic Race)
Okay, this was a long time dream and goal from my side. First the plan was to participate with the Luffe 45, but then COVID was interfearing...So, finally ww made it to the start which was on May 15’th 2022 in Plymouth. This race is maybe one of the most difficult overall, becaus you are sailing in the North Atlantic and against all the weather systems (low pressure system obviously) and against the current. And it’s freaking cold and rough and windy...
On day 2 we hit a really big low pressure system which was aproaching the south tip of Ireland. We decided to turn around to avoid the worst, so we sailed from the fastnet rock back to Ireland and the to the fastnet again. This was the most difficult thing I ever did but was paying off. It was still a violent system but we had only a few gusts with more the 50 knots and we managed to go trough that with no structural damages. Unlike the my competitors, some of them where suffering structural damages and had to abandon the race...
After 21 days Lifgun arrived in Newport and won the line honors and also the race after corrected time.
It was the most extrem thing I ever did in my life....Thank you Lifgun that you was bringing me safe to Newport !